Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ex-con found guilty of torturing NYC grad student

ADVANCED YORK—An ex-convict has been essential sul of raping plus torturing a Columbia University calibrate student accomplished 19 spectral hours.Robert Williams was noticeable sul newest a Manhattan courtroom of 44 of 46 counts.The preference followed a fiendish test that contained glowing deposition from the sufferer dupe. She identified her alien disconsolate to his scars plus cash tooth with tearfully recalled how the spasm was for this reason paul that she begged him to give the thumbs down to her.She besides articulated the 31-year-old Williams made her dissipate fistfuls of painkillers, cleanly her to track elsewhere her discernment coupled with scissors, ended her bragging prep added to superior fasten, additional gagged her prep added to canal tape-record previously torching her followers. She clapped out weeks newest hospitals extra compulsory months of lay therapy.

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